Sunday, October 19, 2008

I found a Bike!

Here’s my bike! It’s a beach cruiser.. kinda weird, but cool at the same time: like 80 – 90% of the bikes here are those. Tranquilo bikes for tranquilo people.

Dustin and I took an afternoon to explore the “neighborhood”

Don’t really have to worry about traffic way out here

And of course a random nature pic

Pancha, one of the many dogs here on campus. What a surprise for her to wake up to chocolate cake, she attacked it

Yeah, even the pollen is bigger here!

Mateo stuck in the back ATM room, and Vevi wishing she didn’t have to help him with everything

Storm rollin’ in… or out

My cool basket I bought, had to go deliver some flowers to a friend who wasn’t having a very good week

Stella and I, got volunteered to be greeters for one of the nights of the week of prayer series. That was fun, “Bienvenidos, Hola, Que tal?”… good practice.

Downtown… university on the left, all the little shops on the right. So in the summer, they shut down the main road here for a block or two, and everyone just hangs out outside and eats ice cream till 1 am

Our morning worship group, it was a bit big this morning, we had the pastor share some stuff, so yeah, we packed like 50 people in one little dorm-sized room.

Clayshe (don’t really know how to spell that one), this is her little kitten, Catherine

How cute!

Usual sight, Mateo likes to sleep

And Romi likes to cook

Vevi and Judith

The flowers are beautiful… and it just adds to it that the girls are too

Vevi, always in blue or black

Judith, Erica, Vevi, Mateo, y Romi. Where’s a tri-pod when you need one?


Unknown said...

what fun times. And adorable little Spanish kitten!

It's me! said...

You seriously are having a lil too much fun over there! haha I log into your blog every month or so to get the latest scoop of your shenanigans!haha Take care and have a great Christmas!

Unknown said...

you haven't written a blog in forever Tony! btw, the other day I idly doodled on my Revelation quiz and when I got it back the reader ("new reader" as I still refer to him) had made a comment about my doodling- and I thought of you!