Sunday, September 14, 2008

...On the plane and in the airport...

The view from the plane was great. This was somewhere over Georgia

Here’s me and Matt at the airport. We found some girls he thought he recognized. Kinda easy to pick out, they’re the young English speaking Americans. The flight kept being delayed, so we were there for a few hours..

This is my electric backpack.

Gives a whole new meaning to “pulling up” to the loading dock.

And back down.

There were like 7 or 8 tv screens visible from our seats, when they weren’t playing movies, they had this thing where they showed a map and a line of travel and a little plane to show where we were, first like what general area/state, and then a close up to what freeway we were flying over.

Random city lights from the plane

It’s been a while since I’ve had actual food to eat on the plane, usually you just get the crackers and peanuts thing. Not bad stuff either, hot ravioli

Here’s the lights over Miami, you can tell where the ocean is even at night!

This is Argentina from the decent. Kinda flat and boring.

Daveon, a guy we met on the plane, had waaaay more luggage than all of us. He got a lot of teasing for that. We also met Alex on the plane, she sat in front of us. We four were a little support group for getting off the plane and through customs and all.

Here’s the group, about to get on the buses. These buses are nice!! They travel in style on the bus here. In the US, many people would rather ride a donkey than greyhound, but here, oh man! The buses were nicer than the plane, way nicer. So we were off to the school, about 6 hours away, but first, a stop at the mall….

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Tony,
I finally remembered to check your blog. :) You have some great pictures. How are you doing down there?

The Moras you mentioned...those are mulberries in English--not too common, but very good. We had two trees of them in one of the houses I lived in growing up. One tree had the big purple-black ones, and the other tree had little white and pink ones that tasted just like honey. Ahh for childhood... :)

Blessings on you in your work there.

Your friend,
Alice Kravig