Monday, September 15, 2008

The University

Keys look pretty weird here!

They are very welcoming here… even when a dog decides to join the class

This is the coolest thing, it’s the cafeteria tray, but it’s also your plate too, has like 5 or so partitions, pretty cool. They call it a bandejo. I learned this game some of my Argentinian friends taught me, kinda like rock, paper, scissors… to determine who gets to take everyone’s trays to the garbage.

Most of the trees look more or less normal, but there are a few interesting ones

This is the chapel where they sing the same songs we’re familiar with, same tune and everything, just with Spanish words

This bench reminds me of my very first camera. The bench looks just like the 110 film I used.

Spring starts in 2 days, but it already looks beautiful here

an Argentinean “Olive Garden”

Heated pool, not bad!

The parking lot… the town is super small, so pretty much everyone just rides a bike here, the ones that live off campus

The library, a pretty new building here. Here you will find all the Americans sitting outside on the steps shouting at their laptops, “hello?! Can you hear me?!” It’s the best spot we’ve found so far for wifi to use skype

Laundry room, kinda looks Italian. We have free access to the machines, we even get free soap!

The lost and found wall

The music building and the Argentinean flag

Speaking of clocks, they use the 24hour system here, takes some getting used to

This is the guys’ dorm, my home for 8 months. I can see my window from this shot

This is all of us on our tour of the campus, followed by some random dog

Kinda like cinco de Mayo, but a couple weeks later!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Neat! Wow, Spring time? You get to miss Winter this year!